Latvian Qualified Electronic Signature (eParaksts)

If you are the owner of a qualified electronic signature (eParaksts), then with its help you can sign an Electronic signature agreement of the bank and a copy of your identity document.

Please carefully read the Terms and Conditions of Electronic Signature Agreement, the Electronic Signature Agreement, the Client Personal Data Processing Notice, and the bank's tariffs:

For the new customers, who have signed an Electronic Signature Agreement remotely and previously have not been identified by a bank employee, an automatically controlled limit on outgoing payments is set in the amount of 500 000 EUR. The calculation of the limit takes into account the turnover of outgoing payments of the electronic signature's user. When the limit is reached, the electronic signature is switched to the viewing mode without the right to perform transactions on the account. To restore full access and withdraw the limit it is necessary to visit the bank in person.

For more information on the procedure for concluding an Electronic Signature Agreement with qualified electronic signature (eParaksts), as well as on the document’s encryption for their secure submission by email, please contact Customer Support Service by phone +37167025555 or your personal manager.